Thursday 7 April 2011

Link to my website

Tuesday 5 April 2011

My Website with the embeded teaser

Coding my trailer within my website

Posters in their environment

I decided to see how my poster would look if it were to be getting advertised on a bus stop or train station using Adobe Photoshop

Monday 4 April 2011

Teaser Trailer Final

Haunted MTF Media Teaser from St Marylebone Media Studies on Vimeo.

We edited our film after getting feedback. From 00:13 we made the clip to the correct size. Also as from looking at our feedback we found that people said we overused the effects so we decided to cut the effect down from 00:17 where we added the blink effect to Charlotte in disguise walking down the stairs. We instead used a simple light effect called strobe. Also at the end my group thought the title and dateline looked a bit blunt so we added a red/maroon outline to it to give it the deadly look

Website Final Draft

I have changed the font of my links into the font Chartrand which looked more simple and was the font of my tagline so I stuck to conventions by keeping my fonts to a minimum. I also removed the review of 5 stars and just made the heading and tagline slightly bigger.

Poster Final Draft

As you can see I spreaded out my text more upwards making sure there was no huge gap inbetween the image and text. I also moved the two distribution logos up near to the billing box making it look a whole lot neater

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Feedback to our first draft teaser

From looking at the feedback most have questioned why the mask character is after the symbolic necklace which is what we wanted our audience to question. It teases them and makes them want to find out what this necklace has to do with everything which will then lead them to watch it. So we have achieved this however some have said that we over used the effects and need to work on this. Personally I thought that the title and date at the end looked a bit to the bottom and not in the middle and also that the coming soon fades in too slowly and should come out when the background music has a up beat drum. We will discuss this as a group and start editing and making changes to our first cut. Also at 00:13 the size of the clip isn't720x576 at a 16:9 aspect ratio when Louise is putting on her chain and it fades to the next clip so we will need to change this to the correct size.
From feedback our audience knew what our genre was none of them got it wrong which means we have stuck to our horror conventions.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

New Project Plan

As it has taken us longer to edit our film and start our poster etc due to inconveniences I have made a new timetable as shown below:

Website and Poster 1st draft- 10/03/2011
First cut- 22/03/2011
Teaser feedback- 25/03/2011
Any final changes- 30/03/2011
Evaluation- 27/04/2011

As you can see this is a tight schedule and we need to work hard in order to get this done. My website and poster first draft is completed however I am awaiting for feedback to make changes and for our teaser we have nearly completed our first cut and just need to add music of our choice.

Sunday 20 March 2011

Feedback to Poster and Website

Feedback to poster:
-all text are right at the bottom makes the image look empty make it more spread out
-put the two distribution logos more to the top and leave dreamwork at the bottom

Feedback to website:
-review of the times doesn't make sense as the movie is not out yet so remove
-the sidewalk font for the links is a bit too much doesn't look realistic make it more simple

Saturday 19 March 2011

Movie Picture Assosiation of America

In order to make it less time consuming while we were near to finishing the last edits to our clips Tina created the movie picture assosiation of america sign,using photoshop and using the real version as a template.

Friday 18 March 2011

Background music for teaser

Witches RM by Chase Plott

Music ideas

Blood Deep by sania_fatema

This is one of our music background idea we thought it sounded very eerie and built up suspense and you can tell its horror. It has high sounds with constant drumming beats which makes it more foreboding and the high pitch sounds emphasise this. However it is quite slow for our teaser trailer as our clips are fast and wouldn't go aswell and throughout it stays on the same pace.

Please Step Cautiously This Way by sania_fatema

The fuzzy sound to this creates a tension I can imagine this in a horror film with a young child as the main character as it has a lullaby feel to it at the beginning. However out of all the music ideas this is my least favourite as it doesn't go with our teaser.

The Whisperer In The Dark by sania_fatema

This starts of with a low beat and carries on for quite along time and then new sound starts to appear like a slow wind sound giving that spooky affect with high pitch noise.

Witches RM by Chase Plott

At first in the begining it sounded like the above soundtrack with the low beat and high pitch however when it got to 1 min 30 seconds it got faster and more high pitched with a eerie sound to it. I liked the fast pace as our teaser trailer is really fast and also right at the end there are low beats which can go at the end.

From all for soundtracks my group and I felt that Witches was the right sound for our teaser as it was fast pace and had a eerie/sinister atmosphere to it and built up tension whereas the others stayed at the same paced or was too slow

Thursday 10 March 2011

Thursday 3 March 2011

Poster Mock Up

When making this mock up for my billing box I used SteelTongs however this doesnt appear on my slide when I upload it, it just shows the letters on the keyboard.

Friday 25 February 2011

Shot log

This is really useful as now I know what shots are appropriate and as the timing is on with it I can just find that time and look through the clips. This will save alot of time when editing our teaser

Wednesday 9 February 2011

What have we done so far

We have finally finished our filming and now we can start editing it and adding sound etc. We filmed shots from different angles just to see what looked better in order to gain the best result. The location of our teaser did not change we took shots in regents park, regents park estate and also the garage of the estate. The people that played the characters roles did not change as it was Maria's sister Sylvia who played Louise and so was always there and also Charlotte in disguise was played by me and maria and this is why it was less time consuming as we didnt need to rely on other people. We will now start editing our film and adding sound and effects and our roles will change in order to get everything done on time

Monday 7 February 2011


practise haunted from St Marylebone Media Studies on Vimeo.

This is what we have filmed so far, we were just practicing our shots and how to hold the camera, and what angles look more effective. We may use some of these shots for our real teaser as we thought they looked good and the props and lighting came out right after buying the light for the camera.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Organising the group together

In order to get our group together we usually text or call each other a week in advance in when we can film. However this has not always worked as one of us may have a emergency on that same day but to make the time efficent when one of us is away we will carry on filming and update them on what happened and the next filming they can have a go at it. We have become more organised by being aware that our deadline is not far and made it our first priority in order to finish our filming. We each took turns in filming I acted out some of charlottes part in order for maria to film and vise versa and Tina organised the props needed such as the costume for charlotte etc

Saturday 8 January 2011

What we have been doing

So far me and my group have started filming half of our shots. From practice filming we found that the lightning is not clear when it is dark and therefore we have bought a light especially for this and made a great difference. We have shot Louise finding the necklace and many shots of Charlotte in disguise. Maria and Tina took turns in filming while I acted out Charlottes part with Sylvia (Louise).

Saturday 18 December 2010

Inspired music found

My group and I have researched into horror music and found some great sounds that would go with our genre and gave us ideas of what sounds make it more scary. The evil laugh gives a spooky sinister feel and adds to the forboding atmosphere. The squeaky door and heavy breathing all relates to the horror genre and gives the sense of someone being haunted or getting chased etc and this relates to our storyline

Friday 19 November 2010

Our Pre-production Roles

Now there are three of us the roles can be shared out more. We all need to take a roll in order for the teaser to be successful. The following rolls are:

-Sound designer
-Shoot assistant
-Director-locations, shotlists, shoot schedule
-Story board artist
-Editor- animatic, animoto, slide design

Tina- (sound designer and shoot assistant) will organise what sounds she likes and gather a few up and make sure they are not copyright. She will then show us this and we will all decide as a group after which sound suits the best. She will also organise the props and costumes needed for each actor.

Maria- (Director and Editor) making sure all the locations are accurate and having the shoots schedules where everyone is free and making a shotlist for all scenes this will be then checked by myself and Tina

Me- (Storyboard and Editor) me and Maria will share out the editor role for example I will make the animatic and some of the slide design while she is doing the animoto and other designs. I will draw out the storyboard and make sure all the shots are accurate and what angle each shot is at in order for us to be organised while filming

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Animatic Storyboard

This is my storyboard that I have made on windows movie maker just to see how my teaser would roughly look like if I were to use the same clips from my storyboard. This helped me create my shotlist and what looks effective and odd it gives you a clear view on what needs to be done for the real teaser.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Feedback to Haunted Presentation

After showing our presentation to our audience they have given us feedback on what we can work on and what is already good. This will help us as we are then able to have a successful teaser trailer for our audience as it is to their expectation.

Positive Feedback:
- great storyline (detailed) goes with the horror/thriller genre
- has mostly all aspects of horror/thriller conventions
- organised with costume, props characters and location
- synopsis is very good and seems scary and sums it up in a sentence
- costumes give a insight of the characters
- very detailed

Negative Feedback:
- very detailed storyline however seems a bit too complex

Haunted Presentation

This is the presentation I have made for our new teaser trailer. We presented this to our audience and roughly spoke about it and the whole storyline and got feedback from each person. We presented it to 10 people who are of both male and female and they have given us feedback on their reaction towards this.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Moodboard for Haunted

Create your own video slideshow at

We have created a moodboard for our teaser trailer showing related images to our storyline and the inspired horror music in the background on animoto through these images our audience can see what our genre is as the images show blood, knifes, disguise, someone being frightened all conventions of our genre.

Monday 8 November 2010


For our new teaser trailer 'Haunted' we created a short synopsis which somes up the plot briefly we added short sentences to emphasise the suspense and the genre of our film making it seem more spooky. This is what we came up with:

'Charlotte. Dead. Extensive torture and separation from her all powerful cross has put her in a grave. But the coincidental find of her crucifix has wakened her spirit and set it to reclaim her rightful possession.'

The key questions we want the audience to ask are:

-Why is the person in disguise after this girl?

-What does this necklace have to do with anything?

-What happens at the end?

-Does the girl know why she is being chased?

-What does religion have to do with it?

-Is the person in disguise a human or something else?

-Why is the person disguised?

In order to do this we are going to keep most the plot anonymous as from looking at different teasers it leaves the audience with questions that will be answered when you watch the film and this is the effect we want.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Storyline of Haunted

Tracing back to the 1990’s a young girl named Charlotte was horrendously murdered and right after thrown into a canal by a gang of two 19 year old boys. During the vicious attack Charlotte’s symbolic necklace of a cross was torn off her neck without notice. The necklace was valued and cherished by Charlotte throughout her years as she led a clandestine and remote life and was often clutching it.
Growing up Charlotte was different from those around her. Upon growing and attending a local high school, Charlotte was described by others as ‘weird’ and ‘abnormal’. She ate differently, learnt differently, and mostly acted differently and was often accused of doing anomalous things, but little did they know about the devil that controlled, possessed and lived inside Charlotte.
Years later, 19 year old Louise came across the necklace whilst walking through the canal … the same night of Charlotte’s death. At a glimpse, the necklace caught her eye and looking around Louise picked it up unaware that this moment would change her life.
With the touch of her fingertip, Charlotte’s soul lingered in the air and went to her back to her grave to claim her body and get revenge on this cold world. Throughout her hunt of her possession, Charlotte is disguised in a mask as her face was in form of a devil.

New Storyline

We have decided to create a whole new story line as from feedback it was mostly negative and our target audience didn't seem to like the whole senario. Also because we didn't like it as much and found the whole plot quite boring and not scary at all. so we decided to create a more interesting plot with a catch to it. Tina has now joined our group so now there is 3 of us making it much more convenient as a lot more can be done with extra help. Our genre will be the same however with new characters, new shot list, new storyboard etc. This will all be shown in the above presentation. Our roles are also going to be split three way now and will change during the week.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Project Plan

Pre-production Roles

By making our teaser me and my partner each need to take a roll of management from locating the shots to sound used. The roles are:
-Sound designer
-Shoot assistant
-Director-locations, shotlists, shoot schedule
-Story board artist
-Editor- animatic, animoto, slide design

As there is only two of us Maria is going to take the role of:
- Shoot assistant- Costume, props, actors, contact list,is what Maria will be organising she will be gathering all props and costumes needed for the teaser and contacting all actors to meet this will be then checked by me
- Sound designer- Maria will be getting ideas and soundtracks that may go well for the teaserand making sure there are no copyright music in scenes etc

I will be taking the role of:
- Director- making sure all the locations are accurate and having the shoots schedules where everyone is free and making a shotlist for all scenes this will be then checked by Maria
- Storyboard artist

We both are going to take the role of Editor and work together on our animoto, slide designs etc. The roles we have taken on will change during the days to get more experience of each role and to make it fair for each of us

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Camera Shotlist

This all may change depending on what shot suits the scene or we may add another scene. The angles of the shots may also change if it doesn't work to plan therefore I will keep an update of my shotlist everytime a change has been made.

Inspiration Trailers

Paranomal activity is a trailer I think would give me ideas for my trailer as it builds up tension and you know straight away the genre of it. The trailer has deep sounds and fast cuts to extreme close ups of the main haunted character which I can think about using for my teaser.

Case 39 is another trailer which appealed to me as they have a lot of shots that are indoors and hiding in closet scenes etc. It also has dialogue in it where the characters are talking which I may use for my trailer. Also they have a wide range of shots which will help me decide on what sort of shots I should go for. The trailer makes it hard to resist to watch the movie, the trailer itself is very horrorfic and makes you clench your fist and makes you jump. This is the reaction I am looking for in my trailer.

Lastly I found the SAW 3D trailer horrofic and the fact that it is 3D making the audience closer to the film by making them feel like its them getting taken. There was a lot of blood, gore and horror in the trailer with a deep voice man talking in the background. This is what I had in mine for my trailer also the background screams of the victims worked well which I will look into more as there will be murder and screams in my trailer.


- good however it was explained to be explicit and believe the target audience should be 18 and up instead of 15

- a bit too vague the plot isn't so interesting

- great storyboard and moodboard detailed character profile however doesn't seem very realistic

- the whole story line is given away in the teaser trailer from seeing the storyboard

- explanation was very confusing overall nice presentation and great planning however need to make things a bit clearer

Monday 11 October 2010

Friday 8 October 2010


Slide 1- Title of our film, we have decided to call our film Demented which may change in future. Before this me and my partner decided to call it Haunted however from feedback of the target audience they prefered Demented as Haunted sounded too vague and boring.

Slide 2- This is another moodboard we have made on PowerPoint with more images that can relate to our film. It has pictures from clubbing, drugs to bodies in boots and canal. The images clearly show the gore and horror to the film and you can see drugs are related.

Slide 3- ‘Sex, parties and drugs is all it took for one girl’s soul to be shredded in the depth of the canal. But will she ever seek revenge; after all they say it’s an eye for an eye, but who knows.’
Our short synopsis has a lot of information to give and gives a foreboding atmosphere. It is to the point with all the details needed of the film.

Slide 4- The target audience for this film will be of both male and female at the age of 15-24. They love to have a thrill and are up for any type of horror films. Mostly attracts to older teenagers and young adults who are either a student or middle classed who watch films to be entertained. Our film has parts to do with sex and drugs it can relate to our target audience. From research I found over 40% of the young have smoked cannabis and 86% of young people support its legalisation. 20% of men and 15% of woman have already had 10 or more partners of my age group. The genre horror suits the age group as young adults are into gore, blood, violence etc. The young adults love to watch their films in cinema with friends. It is a 15 and not a 18 because there is no actual sex scenes.

Slide 5- Key questions we want our audience to think about after watching the teaser. Read questions out

Slide 6 to 8- Storyboard read bullet points of each images and shots. We have midshots, high angle shots, longshots, close up to extreme close up shots and over the shoulder shots. We may rearrange this if it doesn't work to plan. High angle shots are to show the surrounding and also gives a intimidating view. Mid shot is our common shot which will be used to show what each character is doing and when they are exchanging things. Close up to extreme close up will give a horrofic view of the main character and these close ups work well on horror/thriller films.

Slide 9- These are our 3 main characters, they are not from St Marylebone so we all have to get together and make a timetable when we are all free and exchange contact details.

Slide 10- This is the main character, who in the film was a casual teenage girl who loves going parties, chilling with friends. A stereotypical teenager at the age of 19, she is very laid back person who does anything daring to get a bit of attention.
She wears clothes from casual to extremely over the top depending on how lazy she is like most teens and comes from an upper class background. She is more of an outdoor girl with a loud personality and can act very confident when she actually has low self esteem and tries very hard to get her confidence. This all changes after the drugs kick in.

Slide 11- These are the other two main characters who are from a middle class background. They are unemployed typically wear hoodies and tracksuits, they are from the ‘streets’ as they say and make their money illegally and get up to no good.
They earn a lot of money through their dirty work they do and can make others feel intimidating. They are into sex, drugs and money and love wearing clothing such as Nike, Adidas, Ralph Lauren etc.These men are out most of their days having the time of their life making money, going clubs, meeting girls etc. They are a typical thug that believe nothing can harm them and they are always superior and can get what they want when they want.

Slide 12- Most of the filming will be taken in doors such as the bathroom scene, bedroom scene, Lilly getting ready in her room etc. The ones filmed outdoors will be in the regent park region where there is a canal and alleys for a foreboding atmosphere that will work well for our canal scene. We will take our high angle shots from a balcony of a estate in Regents Park. Here is the image of the balcony view.

Monday 4 October 2010

Film Title

Me and my partner had decided to name our film Haunted however we then decided for it to be called Demented. We where then undecided between the two, so Maria my partner asked 10 boys which they would prefer and I asked 10 girls which they would prefer all of the age group from 15-24. We decided to ask 10 boys and girls to make it even as the film is for both sex.

I had asked two 15 year olds who had said they liked the sound of Haunted, three 17 year old girls who had said Haunted sounded a bit dull and vague and Demented was more chilling. I then asked a 24 year old who had said Demented sounded better however to have a better range of titles rather than two and finally I asked four 20 year olds who liked Demented better for the common reason of Haunted being too boring.

Maria asked three 15 year olds where two liked Demented and one liked Hauned. Four 18 year olds were asked and all had said Demented but even still it could have a better name. She then asked three 22 year olds who said the same and had picked Demented.

So overall from our film title survey Demented was the most common. However we will keep in mind what others had said to keep a wider range of film titles. We will name our film Demented for the moment however this may change as another survey maybe taken with a better range of titles to pick from.

Friday 1 October 2010

Genre Convention

Short Synopsis

My partner and I have decided to create a horror/thriller film with sex, drugs and money included. We came up with our short synopsis and made it short but with alot of information to give. this is our rough synopsis which can be changed and edited:

‘Sex, parties and drugs is all it took for one girl’s soul to be shredded in the depth of the canal. But will she ever seek revenge; after all they say it’s an eye for an eye, but who knows.’

After watching our teaser trailer we thought the common questions raised through the audience would be:

Who is this girl?
Is she innocent?
Why did she get murdered?
What happens at the end?
Why does she seem demented after?
Is she still alive?
Why can't they find her body?

Thursday 30 September 2010


Create your own video slideshow at

This is my moodboard which I used animoto to present it. I added a spooky background music to give a chilling atmosphere and to show clearly what the genre is. There are alot of blood images and dead bodies etc.

Thursday 23 September 2010

The Last Exorcism Trailer Record Sheet

After watching the teaser trailer of the film I went through the shots and cuts they took, the background music, the text, and what questions does it raise to the viewer. This will give me a chance to gather ideas and how many shots I should take, what questions I want to be raised in my teaser.

Teaser Trailer of The Last Exorcism

This is the teaser trailer of The Last Exorcism which I have chosen to do a teaser trailer record sheet on