Tracing back to the 1990’s a young girl named Charlotte was horrendously murdered and right after thrown into a canal by a gang of two 19 year old boys. During the vicious attack Charlotte’s symbolic necklace of a cross was torn off her neck without notice. The necklace was valued and cherished by Charlotte throughout her years as she led a clandestine and remote life and was often clutching it.
Growing up Charlotte was different from those around her. Upon growing and attending a local high school, Charlotte was described by others as ‘weird’ and ‘abnormal’. She ate differently, learnt differently, and mostly acted differently and was often accused of doing anomalous things, but little did they know about the devil that controlled, possessed and lived inside Charlotte.
Years later, 19 year old Louise came across the necklace whilst walking through the canal … the same night of Charlotte’s death. At a glimpse, the necklace caught her eye and looking around Louise picked it up unaware that this moment would change her life.
With the touch of her fingertip, Charlotte’s soul lingered in the air and went to her back to her grave to claim her body and get revenge on this cold world. Throughout her hunt of her possession, Charlotte is disguised in a mask as her face was in form of a devil.